Le Massacre a Paradis
Le Devoir de Memoire, the duty to remember, a concept born after the Second World War, is a common notion in France, where the memory of the German Occupation and, more generally, World War II is still very much alive.
The concept mandates the moral obligation to remember a tragic historical event and its victims, in order to ensure that an event of this type does not happen again.
With the last remaining actors and eyewitnesses to these events now in their 80’s and 90’s it is now up to the efforts of associations and local authorities to erect commemorative monuments, organize pilgrimages for the recollection of the families of the victims and provide information in order to assure the cry of “never again!” is still loud and clear within the collective memory of the French population and the world.
This video demonstrates what Le Devoir de Memorie is about the video is in French and English. It captures the essence of the union of England and France to remember this historic event.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia article on the Massacre at Paradis